The results of our 2019 client survey are in – and the most telling part of it is that we have a whopping 54% of them who prefer chocolate to tea or wine! We send a little thank you to all participants who fill in a survey and the results are clear. The days of diamonds client being drinkers are over! It’s a diamond first.

Great news also that over 91% of respondents love diamond because their local. It’s all about building those lasting and meaningful business relationships – ‘friendly, local and reliable’. We’ll have a bit of that!
When talking about the key assets of using diamond we had a head to head with diamond folk being either ‘utter superstars’ or ‘knowledgeable’ but ‘friendly’ won the day. And 100% of respondents have either said they recommend us or have done already – so thanks very much!
We had lots of handy tips in the ‘Is there anything we can do to improve?’ section – although I cannot promise a Quality Street chocolate every time you book Anon from Guildford! However we will certainly listen as we continue to develop despatchlab – anything we can do to be of further service.
Finally we have chosen our top three quotable quotes to see who wins the bonus prize in the diamond caption competition. Please choose one of the below to help us choose – send your email and we’ll send you a mini diamond treat.
- A diamond service by diamond (gals and) geezers (Ed: Kate added that bit!)
- diamond – gives your logistics clarity
- diamond is a shipper best friend
We love speaking to our clients and making sure we are always providing the best service we can and these surveys are a great chance for us to get direct feedback.
If you want to become a client, get in touch today!