We’re not just logistic professionals here at diamond but also consumers. So when we receive a beautiful product that we’ve waited over 15 working days for and it’s delivered by the wrong carrier for the product we can’t help but open it with a little reluctance. This is something that our Company Secretary Charlotte recently experienced.
“I had ordered two beautiful plants from an online company. I had gone back and forth over whether to buy plants online for a while, but after checking the companies’ reviews I decided to place my order. The company after all had good reviews and garden centres have plants delivered to them all the time. What could possibly go wrong?
I was quietly confident after saving myself time and money that I would be the proud owner of two new beautiful plants in 5 to 10 working days (seems an extraordinary amount of time to have to wait for something in this day and age).

Photo by <a href=”/photographer/Rotorhead-35574″>Rotorhead</a> from <a href=”https://freeimages.com/”>FreeImages</a>
However, my smug confidence was rapidly depleting when 5 working days later I received an email from the company I had ordered from declaring the carrier that would be delivering. This was a carrier whose freight profile was small boxes and letter packs, not large, more fragile packages
It was with some apprehension that 6 days later I stood opening the packaging, only to be met with a cloud of what I can only explain as mud dust. The carrier had stored and delivered my plants upside down! One of my plants had come completely out of its pot and looked like it was being strangled by plastic. The other fared even worse. One of the stems on my orchid had been snapped, and of course it had to be the one in full bloom.
So, where should my disappointment be directed? Towards the company I ordered from for choosing the wrong carrier, or the carrier for not making sure my box was always the right way up and treated carefully? Doesn’t seem right that the company who had sent me the stunning plants as I had expected to be tarred by a bad customer experience that was outside of their control.”
As logistics professionals it’s one of the many ways diamond can help. We make sure our clients understand where the carriers’ strengths and weaknesses lie. We also provide packaging advice and if they are ever unsure they know they can always pick up the phone and speak to one of our friendly advisers.
If your review ratings, or worse business, is being damaged by logistics pick up the phone or visit our website and let us take the worry from you, so you can concentrate on what really matters, growing your business.