Ok – so Brexit is coming and there isn’t anything we can do about it other than prepare. And I’m sure that all of you who were trading with the Europe and particularly members of the EU didn’t want Europe trade to stop – but we have seen signs that many businesses are thinking of suspending European deliveries which is terrible news. So we though we’d put together a little guide to help you keep delivering to Europe. Things will change so please keep informed here on our blog which is updated at least weekly. But if anything chnages with regards to European delivery you can be sure you’ll read about it here.
Here’s our compilation of all the Brexit preparations we have done to help you and a few tools that you can get stuck into right now to make sure your business is Brexit ready and you can keep delivering.
Firstly here’s the government new business check test – go take the test and make sure you know what you need to do FAST to get ready for October 31st. There will be no excuses for companies who are ill prepared so get in front of the curve.
We have also found these pages on delivering to Europe really informative too:
Here’s our website specifically on what we at diamond have been doing to support our clients. You may have seen it before but this information is important so here it is again:
Then there’s Dan’s blog with a lot more information here
There’s a little bit of positivity here in how you can actually benefit from Brexit…..
If you are in anyway unsure about Brexit and the challenges it may mean for your European deliveries or the rest of your European logistics for your business then please get in touch. We are here to help you anyway we can.
As always it 0333 567 5888 or email sales@diamondlogistics.co.uk